30's Groupies

Sunday, October 21, 2012

30x30 2.0

As promised, here is the updated list!  Is it alright to claim 'better late than never?'  I didn't think so.  In my defense, even though it's now been over a month and a half since my last post I am happy to report that my absence has been the result of having a life (and approximately 10% laziness).  Now that the cold, wet weather has returned, I'm recommitting to the list that has stayed buried for months.  Let's take a look at 30x30 version 2.0:
  1. Get rid of at least 1/3 of my current possessions(ongoing =))
  2. Plan my Dad's 60th Birthday Party (happened June 2nd)
  3. Watch at least 1 NHL playoff game live (Game 2 of the LA series sweep)
  4. See some relatives I've never met before (happened in May/June)
  5. Attend at least 3 industry networking/educational events
  6. Move into Vancouver
  7. Plan my trip to Italy for 2013
  8. Start learning basic Italian 
  9. Take a creative writing class
  10. Read at least 5 books from my 'must read list' (Finished: The Hunger Games, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Attempting: Moby Dick, Great Gatsby, On The Road)
  11. Get my Serving it Right certificate
  12. Go to Vegas
  13. Visit a US city that I've never been to before (Portland, Oregon)
  14. Cook a meal I've never made before from scratch
  15. Take a bar tending or cooking class
  16. Watch a movie at a Drive-In (Watched Brave at the Twilight Drive-In)
  17. Go on a road trip (hello Oregon Coast!)
  18. Eat at 1 restaurant listed in the Daily Meal's 101 Best Restaurants in America (2012) (#12 - Pok Pok  Thai Food)
  19. Volunteer at a fundraising event (Canucks for Kids Telethon)
  20. Finish either one of my short stories or 3 complete chapters of one of my currently unfinished books
  21. Finish posting all my old photos (2010 - present) on Facebook
  22. Guest Speak at an educational event (happened in July)
  23. Watch a BC Lions or Vancouver Whitecaps Game
  24. Actually complete a Pinterest DIY project
  25. Attend a local Tradeshow/Market/Fair or Festival
  26. Share a secret through Postsecret
  27. Create and complete 4 seasonal To-Do lists for Vancouver (minimum 3 items/list that I've never done before) - 2 down, 2 to go!
  28. Host at least one holiday party 
  29. Plan my 30th Birthday bash!
  30. Find a new job =) (Joined the A&B Partytime Team in July)
So I'm almost half way done which isn't that bad with 3 months to go.  On to the next post!

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